September 2017
Dear Mike,

We are celebrating a very special anniversary this month. It was exactly five years ago that the EMV Migration Forum held its first meeting, hosted by Mastercard, in Purchase, NY. It is amazing to think that so many years have passed since that initial gathering of 130 industry professionals.

Looking back on the list of those first attendees, many of those people still regularly attend meetings today. Even the mix of stakeholder types is similar. More than half the attendees came from financial institutions, merchants, processors, and the global payment networks. The rest were industry suppliers, industry associations, regional networks, consultants and integrators.

The mantra for the first four years of Forum meetings and workshops was “to address issues that require broad cooperation and coordination across many constituents in the payments space to ensure the successful adoption of EMV-enabled cards, devices, and terminals across the US market and to ensure that migration in the US market is efficient, timely and effective.” I bring that up because we are also celebrating the one-year anniversary of the rebranding of the EMV Migration Forum and launch of the U.S. Payments Forum. As EMV became increasingly normalized across large parts of the payments landscape, the U.S. Payments Forum’s attention shifted to issues related to mobile payments, contactless acceptance, advanced CNP fraud management tools, and the ongoing changes underlying the shift to digital payments like tokenization and anywhere-anytime Internet-connected mobile commerce. While EMV migration is still of significant importance to the retail petroleum, transportation, and the hospitality industry, the focus on education about next generation payments has moved to the forefront.

When we gather at the Hilton Rosemont Chicago O’Hare Hotel this week, some of the new payments program content will include a new Mobile Special Interest Group (SIG) to complement the existing Issuer and Merchant SIGs, and a plenary panel discussion called the Mobile Wallets: Landscape and Strategic Considerations for Merchants, Issuers and Providers. There will be plenary and breakout sessions with EMVCo, W3C and the FIDO Alliance providing updates on new payments specifications and standards and the Federal Reserve Bank providing an update on the Faster Payments Taskforce.

In addition, there will be a very interesting panel called “Looking Forward to the First EMV Reissuance Cycle.” Yes, we are rapidly approaching the first reissuance cycle for EMV cards and many people are predicting that there will be a dual-interface card market for the U.S. in the near future.

Lastly, if you are interested in the new age of payments, check out the IoT Payments 2017 Conference, hosted by the Secure Technology Alliance, October 10-11 in Austin TX.

Thank you for your support of the U.S. Payments Forum.

Randy Vanderhoof
Director, U.S. Payments Forum
Working Committee Projects

Communications and Education Working Committee
The Communications and Education Working Committee completed their review and update of the Common Debit AID video presentation originally recorded in 2015. The newly released presentation includes updates that reflect recent guidance from the Federal Reserve on debit routing.

Mobile and Contactless Payments Working Committee
The Mobile & Contactless Payments Working Committee recently completed the Mobile and Contactless Glossary which includes a comprehensive list of terms and definitions relative to the mobile and contactless industry. Various other working groups within the Forum have waited for the publication of this document and, going forward, will use it as input for future projects.

Petro Working Committee
After more than a year of collaborating through email, in-person meetings and workshops, the Petro Working Committee completed their FAQ resource which is intended to facilitate a common understanding of EMV issues in the U.S. retail petroleum industry.

Transit Contactless Open Payments Working Committee
The Transit Contactless Open Payments Working Committee has finalized the Transit 101 presentation which was presented at the June in-person meeting in Phoenix. The overall purpose of the presentation focuses on educating stakeholders on transit open payments and the distinct features of the transit point of entry retail environment.

For more information on Working Committee projects that are in process, please contact Mike Strock,
New EMV Resources for the Petroleum Industry

The U.S. Payments Forum Petroleum Working Committee has been highly active in developing educational resources to assist petroleum merchants in understanding the complexities of the migration to chip technology at the pump in advance of the payment networks’ October 2020 fraud liability shifts.

The Petroleum Working Committee and Communications and Education Working Committee, in partnership with Conexxus, are holding the webinar, Accepting EMV Chip Payments at the Fuel Pump, on September 20, 2017 at 2pm ET. The webinar is designed to provide small petroleum and convenience store merchants with an overview of EMV and detailed information on how to implement chip technology at the pump efficiently and effectively.

The new resource, Petroleum Industry: EMV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), was developed to provide a common, consistent understanding of EMV issues in the U.S. retail petroleum industry. The FAQs were developed with input from various contributors within the petroleum industry such as merchants, POS vendors, fuel dispenser manufacturers, acquirers, processors, payment networks, and other industry stakeholders.

New and Updated EMV Resources

The Testing and Certification Working Committee is holding its second workshop, EMV Contactless Testing & Certification Workshop for VARs, ISVs and ISOs, on Sept. 13th following the U.S. Payments Forum member meeting. During this workshop, presenters from American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa will review requirements for EMV contactless testing and certification in the U.S.

The Communications and Education Working Committee published an update to the Implementing EMV in the U.S.: How the U.S. Common Debit AIDs Facilitate Debit Transaction Routing and Ensure Durbin Compliance video recording to add information on Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) selection.

The Mobile and Contactless Payments Working Committee published the Mobile and Contactless Payments Glossary. The glossary was developed to garner cross-industry understanding of mobile and contactless payments terms and encourage the standardization of terminology.

The U.S. Payments Forum published the updated Understanding the U.S. EMV Fraud Liability Shifts white paper in July. The white paper includes details for each of the participating networks regarding their respective liability shifts for counterfeit and lost-or-stolen fraud for POS devices, ATMs, and AFDs. The white paper also includes information on technical fallback and manual key-entered transactions, cross-border transactions, and mobile and contactless transactions.

Welcome New Member
  • CMS Payments Intelligence
U.S. Payments Forum in the News
  • Hard to Swallow?,” Digital Transactions, June 1, 2017. Director Vanderhoof clarifies the state of card-not-present fraud in the U.S., stating that the overall proportion of CNP fraud is relatively even—and perhaps even decreasing—as a percentage of online sales.
  • U.S. Payments Forum Update: Almost Half of All U.S. Credit, Debit Transactions Are Chip-on-Chip,” Hospitality Technology, July 27, 2017. This article shares highlights from the summer market snapshot, including updates on the continuing progress of the U.S. EMV migration, improvements in the consumer’s chip transaction experience at the point of sale (POS), and priorities for the second half of 2017 to focus on unique chip migration challenges in merchant segments, such as hospitality and restaurants.
Save the Dates for 2017 In Person Meetings
The last U.S. Payments Forum meeting in 2017 has been scheduled; mark your calendars today! Once you’ve registered, be sure to make your travel accommodations before flights and hotels become booked. We look forward to seeing you in December in New Orleans.

About This Newsletter
The U.S. Payments Forum Quarterly is a publication for members, friends and supporters of the U.S. Payments Forum. The U.S. Payments Forum continues to support the chip migration while also broadening its focus to other new and emerging payments technologies in the U.S. Those technologies protect the security of, and enhance opportunities for, payment transactions within the U.S., and include tokenization, card-not-present transactions, point-to-point encryption, and mobile and contactless payments. Thank you for your interest, and please email us with any suggestions for future content.